
Hälsorelaterad miljöövervakning

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Cadmium in urine 2002-2009

Cadmium concentrations in urine (µg/g creatinine) in women, 20-29 years and 50-59 years old, respectively, from the West of Sweden (Västra Götaland), Stockholm County, West and North of Sweden (Väster- and Norrbotten) and South of Sweden (Skåne), during the period 2002-2009. The boxes represent the 25-percentiles (bottom), medians (middle), and 75-percentiles (top). The horizontal lines represent the lowest and the highest concentrations, excluding so called “outliers”. Rings and stars (“outliers”) represent the individuals that are 1.5 and 3 box lengths away from the box.


Barregård et al, 2003
Berglund och Åkesson, 2008
Sällsten et al, 2003
Wennberg et al, 2007
Åkerström et al, 2010